Dave Krieger is a former major market radio news reporter and news director and television news reporter/anchorman and investigative journalist, who won national and state news awards from Associated Press Broadcasters. Dave was a former member of Radio and Television News Directors Association. Dave began studying law in early 1990; specializing in real estate, tort, consumer credit and collection issues. His first self-published work, The Credit Restoration Primer (a self-help, credit repair book) was first released in 1995 and is now in its 5th Edition. Dave currently serves as a paralegal, legal research analyst and consultant for a network of attorneys across America that handle real estate and foreclosure matters. He has lectured at the Texas County Clerkâs school hosted by the V.G. Young Institute and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and currently conducts audits of county land records and instructs attorneys on the subject of Chain of Title Assessments & Quiet Title Actions in continuing legal education courses around the country. The newest version of his book,
Clouded Titles – MAYDAY EDITION, is 432 pages of updated information about the aspects of foreclosure defense, strategic default, quiet title actions and county land record functions; coupled with a detailed Index and Table of Case Citations. This book is highly regarded by many attorneys, who have given Clouded Titles to their clients.