This book has been recommended to property owners
by U. S. Bankruptcy Court Trustees!

Since it’s release, the book has generated hundreds of Chain of Title Assessments that have been
utilized by attorneys in client case development and has also resulted in getting the attention of certain
county recorders and clerks who have conducted audits and forensic examinations of their real
property records!

Clouded Titles Mayday Edition


CLOUDED TITLES … it is as ominous as it sounds!

“Over the course of 14+ years, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) has thoroughly unleashed a confusing mess of concealed electronic data, supplied by virtually all of the major players in the American financial arena.

…coupled with an intricate network of document preparers, it has virtually caused clouds on over 70,000,000 titles to property in every state in the United States.” Learn more


Clouded Titles Mayday Edition

Clouded Titles Mayday Edition is 432 pages of updated information about the aspects of foreclosure defense, strategic default, quiet title actions and county land record functions; streamlined Index and updated Table of Case Citations and comes highly regarded by attorneys.

Latest News From the Blog

Alex Jones talking about the looming foreclosure crisis that no one’s talking about

This is from my Jan. 27, 2023 broadcast on Alex Jones talking about the looming foreclosure crisis that no one’s talking about.


When I set out to begin my quest to discover the goings-on behind the scenes of the 2008 financial disaster, I had no idea that my research was going to develop into a widely-circulated book or the design of a specific chain of title assessment protocol. I never understood why Americans lacked a real financial education until I began to understand for myself what happened to me, happened to a lot of other people as well.

It became my objective to teach my research in a workshop format … so I did. I then realized that my […]

“Great workshop! Dave is an excellent teacher and having attorneys there helped gel the overwhelming information.”
S.H., Maryland
“The PowerPoint made is possible to listen to Dave. The addition of the attorneys made it even more powerful.”
M.N.,, Indiana
I have utilized Dave Krieger’s chain of title assessments in multiple litigation cases here in Michigan. Mr. Krieger is at the cutting edge in the field of title analysis and has shown a keen ability to make sense of even the most confusing and esoteric recorded information. Clients who wish to challenge foreclosure in a court of law or otherwise battle the mortgage industry are well advised to consider an expert review of the history of their property. I fully endorse Dave Krieger for the job. His reports leave no stone unturned he consistently follows up to answer questions or share his vast knowledge of the industry.
Adam Alexander, Alexander Law Offices, Southfield, MI
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you have put in to educate us on the COTA preparation.The insight and critical analysis that you have shared in the different angles on how we look at the information provided us has been a very valuable tool for me and I am sure for most of us in the class.My hope is that through the work you do and through us, we both grow the number of COTA preparers that could potentially help a lot of people in dealing with this mortgage crisis that our nation is faced with.I appreciate the unselfish sharing of your work and information.
”Anyone remotely considering a Quiet Title or Wrongful Foreclosure Action, challenging your Lender, Bank, Financial Institution or any of the unscrupulous Foreclosing Entities (Including MERS) would be kidding themselves if they thought or believed that they could be successful or get across the finish line without one of Dave Krieger’s COTAs. It would be equally wise and extremely advisable before you embark on such an endeavor or mission to read “Clouded Titles”, as I have 3 times!”
Al West, Esq., Redondo Beach, CA
“The information on the flash drive was in of itself worth the price of admission!”
C. H., Realtor-Investor, San Antonio, TX
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