Whether bad credit is the result of unpaid credit card balances, a home foreclosure or a bankruptcy filing, achieving full restoration of your credit history is not an easy task, but guess what?  It’s possible.  And it’s your right.

Back in 1995, Dave Krieger published his first copies of a workbook called, “The Credit Restoration Primer”. Even though the workbook was not widely distributed, the copies that Krieger did sell to consumers was found to have helped virtually every one of them improve their credit scores! Now in its 5th Edition, in soft cover, The Credit Restoration Primer contains 25 chapters that answer questions like:

  • How did my credit file get created?
  • How do I go about restoring my credit?
  • What is the importance of a credit score?
  • How do I deal with collection agencies?
  • How do I file complaints with federal agencies?
  • What do I do if I find I’m a victim of identity theft?
  • Should I hire the services of a credit repair company?
  • What are my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act?
  • What are my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act?
  • How do I deal with harassing bill collectors?
Dave even provides you with samples of the very letters he used to shut off debt collectors, dispute his credit reports, and discusses all possible scenarios involving restoring your credit.  Plus, this edition includes an Index for easy reference; plus Krieger’s step-by-step process in dealing with issues involving your credit reports, along with a list of pertinent state and federal cases involving credit bureaus and debt collection firms.  Credit repair is more than just sending a dispute to a credit bureau, and this book explains every detail. A must-have for anyone interested in educating themselves on credit restoration!